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Eden Test

Using Eden, we can create an integration test with end-to-end type safety and auto-completion.

Using Eden Treaty to create tests by irvilerodrigues on Twitter


We can use Bun test to create tests.

Create test/index.test.ts in the root of project directory with the following:

// test/index.test.ts
import { describe, expect, it } from 'bun:test'

import { edenTreaty } from '@elysiajs/eden'

const app = new Elysia()
    .get('/', () => 'hi')

const api = edenTreaty<typeof app>('http://localhost:3000')

describe('Elysia', () => {
    it('return a response', async () => {
        const { data } = await api.get()


Then we can perform tests by running bun test

bun test

This allows us to perform integration tests programmatically instead of manual fetch while supporting type checking automatically.