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To start using OpenTelemetry, install @elysiajs/opentelemetry and apply plugin to any instance.

import { Elysia } from 'elysia'
import { opentelemetry } from '@elysiajs/opentelemetry'

import { BatchSpanProcessor } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node'
import { OTLPTraceExporter } from '@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-proto'

new Elysia()
			spanProcessors: [
				new BatchSpanProcessor(
					new OTLPTraceExporter()

jaeger showing collected trace automatically

Elysia OpenTelemetry is will collect span of any library compatible OpenTelemetry standard, and will apply parent and child span automatically.


See opentelemetry for usage and utilities


This plugin extends OpenTelemetry SDK parameters options.

Below is a config which is accepted by the plugin

autoDetectResources - boolean

Detect resources automatically from the environment using the default resource detectors.

default: true

contextManager - ContextManager

Use a custom context manager.

default: AsyncHooksContextManager

textMapPropagator - TextMapPropagator

Use a custom propagator.

default: CompositePropagator using W3C Trace Context and Baggage

metricReader - MetricReader

Add a MetricReader that will be passed to the MeterProvider.

views - View[]

A list of views to be passed to the MeterProvider.

Accepts an array of View-instances. This parameter can be used to configure explicit bucket sizes of histogram metrics.

instrumentations - (Instrumentation | Instrumentation[])[]

Configure instrumentations.

By default getNodeAutoInstrumentations is enabled, if you want to enable them you can use either metapackage or configure each instrumentation individually.

default: getNodeAutoInstrumentations()

resource - IResource

Configure a resource.

Resources may also be detected by using the autoDetectResources method of the SDK.

resourceDetectors - Array<Detector | DetectorSync>

Configure resource detectors. By default, the resource detectors are [envDetector, processDetector, hostDetector]. NOTE: In order to enable the detection, the parameter autoDetectResources has to be true.

If resourceDetectors was not set, you can also use the environment variable OTEL_NODE_RESOURCE_DETECTORS to enable only certain detectors, or completely disable them:

  • env
  • host
  • os
  • process
  • serviceinstance (experimental)
  • all - enable all resource detectors above
  • none - disable resource detection

For example, to enable only the env, host detectors:


sampler - Sampler

Configure a custom sampler. By default, all traces will be sampled.

serviceName - string

Namespace to be identify as.

spanProcessors - SpanProcessor[]

An array of span processors to register to the tracer provider.

traceExporter - SpanExporter

Configure a trace exporter. If an exporter is configured, it will be used with a BatchSpanProcessor.

If an exporter OR span processor is not configured programmatically, this package will auto setup the default otlp exporter with http/protobuf protocol with a BatchSpanProcessor.

spanLimits - SpanLimits

Configure tracing parameters. These are the same trace parameters used to configure a tracer.