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Server Timing Plugin

This plugin adds support for auditing performance bottlenecks with Server Timing API

Install with:

bun add @elysiajs/server-timing

Then use it:

import { Elysia } from 'elysia'
import { serverTiming } from '@elysiajs/server-timing'

new Elysia()
    .get('/', () => 'hello')

Server Timing then will append header 'Server-Timing' with log duration, function name, and detail for each life-cycle function.

To inspect, open browser developer tools > Network > [Request made through Elysia server] > Timing.

Developer tools showing Server Timing screenshot

Now you can effortlessly audit the performance bottleneck of your server.


Below is a config which is accepted by the plugin


@default NODE_ENV !== 'production'

Determine whether or not Server Timing should be enabled


@default undefined

A condition whether server timing should be log


@default undefined

Allow Server Timing to log specified life-cycle events:

Trace accepts objects of the following:

  • request: capture duration from request
  • parse: capture duration from parse
  • transform: capture duration from transform
  • beforeHandle: capture duration from beforeHandle
  • handle: capture duration from the handle
  • afterHandle: capture duration from afterHandle
  • total: capture total duration from start to finish


Below you can find the common patterns to use the plugin.

Allow Condition

You may disable Server Timing on specific routes via allow property

import { Elysia } from 'elysia'
import { serverTiming } from '@elysiajs/server-timing'

new Elysia()
            allow: ({ request }) => {
                return new URL(request.url).pathname !== '/no-trace'