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Drizzle ORM is a headless TypeScript ORM with a focus on type safety and developer experience.

We may convert Drizzle schema to Elysia validation models using drizzle-typebox

Drizzle Typebox

Elysia.t is a fork of TypeBox, allowing us to use any TypeBox type in Elysia directly.

We can convert Drizzle schema into TypeBox schema using "drizzle-typebox", and use it directly on Elysia's schema validation.

Here's how it works:

  1. Define your database schema in Drizzle.
  2. Convert Drizzle schema into Elysia validation models using drizzle-typebox.
  3. Use the converted Elysia validation models to ensure type validation.
  4. OpenAPI schema is generated from Elysia validation models.
  5. Add Eden Treaty to add type-safety to your frontend.
                                                    * ——————————————— *
                                                    |                 |
                                               | -> |  Documentation  |
* ————————— *             * ———————— * OpenAPI |    |                 |
|           |   drizzle-  |          | ——————— |    * ——————————————— *
|  Drizzle  | —————————-> |  Elysia  |
|           |  -typebox   |          | ——————— |    * ——————————————— *
* ————————— *             * ———————— *   Eden  |    |                 |
                                               | -> |  Frontend Code  |
												    |                 |
												    * ——————————————— *


To install Drizzle, run the following command:

bun add drizzle-orm drizzle-typebox

Then you need to pin @sinclair/typebox as there might be a mismatch version between drizzle-typebox and Elysia, this may cause conflict of Symbols between two versions.

We recommend pinning the version of @sinclair/typebox to the minimum version used by elysia by using:

grep "@sinclair/typebox" node_modules/elysia/package.json

We may use override field in package.json to pin the version of @sinclair/typebox:

  "override": {
  	"@sinclair/typebox": "0.32.4"

Drizzle schema

Assuming we have a user table in our codebase as follows:

import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm'
import {
} from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'

import { createId } from '@paralleldrive/cuid2'

export const user = pgTable(
        id: varchar('id')
            .$defaultFn(() => createId())
        username: varchar('username').notNull().unique(),
        password: varchar('password').notNull(),
        email: varchar('email').notNull().unique(),
        salt: varchar('salt', { length: 64 }).notNull(),
        createdAt: timestamp('created_at').defaultNow().notNull(),

export const Table = {
} as const

export type Table = typeof table


We may convert the user table into TypeBox models by using drizzle-typebox:

import { createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-typebox'
import { Table } from './database/schema'

const _createUser = createInsertSchema(table.user, {
	// Replace email with Elysia's email type
	email: t.String({ format: 'email' })

new Elysia()
	.post('/sign-up', ({ body }) => {
		// Create a new user
	}, {
		body: t.Omit(
			['id', 'salt', 'createdAt']

This allows us to reuse the database schema in Elysia validation models

Type instantiation is possibly infinite

If you got an error like Type instantiation is possibly infinite this is because of the circular reference between drizzle-typebox and Elysia.

If we nested a type from drizzle-typebox into Elysia schema, it will cause an infinite loop of type instantiation.

To prevent this, we need to explicitly define a type between drizzle-typebox and Elysia schema:

import { t } from 'elysia'
import { createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-typebox'

import { Table } from './database/schema'

const _createUser = createInsertSchema(table.user, {
	email: t.String({ format: 'email' })

// ✅ This works, by referencing the type from `drizzle-typebox`
const createUser = t.Omit(
	['id', 'salt', 'createdAt']

// ❌ This will cause an infinite loop of type instantiation
const createUser = t.Omit(
	createInsertSchema(table.user, {
		email: t.String({ format: 'email' })
	['id', 'salt', 'createdAt']

Always declare a variable for drizzle-typebox and reference it if you want to use Elysia type


As we are likely going to use t.Pick and t.Omit to exclude or include certain fields, it may be cumbersome to repeat the process:

We recommend using these utility functions (copy as-is) to simplify the process:

 * @lastModified 2024-10-10
 * @see

import { Kind, type TObject } from '@sinclair/typebox'
import {
    type BuildInsertSchema,
    type BuildSelectSchema
} from 'drizzle-typebox'

import { table } from './schema'
import type { Table } from 'drizzle-orm'

type Spread<
    T extends TObject | Table,
    Mode extends 'select' | 'insert' | undefined
> =
    T extends TObject<infer Fields>
        ? {
            [K in keyof Fields]: Fields[K]
        : T extends Table
        ? Mode extends 'select'
            ? BuildSelectSchema<T, {}>
            : Mode extends 'insert'
                ? BuildInsertSchema<T, {}>
                : {}
        : {}

* Spread a Drizzle schema into a plain object
export const spread = <
    T extends TObject | Table,
    Mode extends 'select' | 'insert' | undefined
    schema: T,
    mode?: Mode
): Spread<T, Mode> => {
    const newSchema: Record<string, unknown> = {}
    let table

    switch (mode) {
	    case 'insert':
	    case 'select':
	        if (Kind in schema) {
	            table = schema

	        table =
	            mode === 'insert'
	                ? createInsertSchema(schema)
	                : createSelectSchema(schema)


            if (!(Kind in schema)) throw new Error('Expect a schema')
            table = schema

    for (const key of Object.keys(
        newSchema[key] =[key]

    return newSchema as any

const a = spread(table.user, 'insert')

* Spread a Drizzle Table into a plain object
* If `mode` is 'insert', the schema will be refined for insert
* If `mode` is 'select', the schema will be refined for select
* If `mode` is undefined, the schema will be spread as is, models will need to be refined manually
export const spreads = <
    T extends Record<string, TObject | Table>,
    Mode extends 'select' | 'insert' | undefined
    models: T,
    mode?: Mode
): {
    [K in keyof T]: Spread<T[K], Mode>
} => {
    const newSchema: Record<string, unknown> = {}
    const keys = Object.keys(models)

    for (const key of keys) newSchema[key] = spread(models[key], mode)

    return newSchema as any

This utility function will convert Drizzle schema into a plain object, which can pick by property name as plain object:

// ✅ Using spread utility function
const user = spread(table.user, 'insert')

const createUser = t.Object({
	id:, // { type: 'string' }
	username: user.username, // { type: 'string' }
	password: user.password // { type: 'string' }

// ⚠️ Using t.Pick
const _createUser = createInsertSchema(table.user)

const createUser = t.Pick(
	['id', 'username', 'password']

Table Singleton

We recommend using a singleton pattern to store the table schema, this will allow us to access the table schema from anywhere in the codebase:

import { table } from './schema'
import { spreads } from './utils'

export const db = {
	insert: spreads({
		user: table.user,
	}, 'insert')),
	select: spreads({
		user: table.user,
	}, 'select')
} as const

This will allow us to access the table schema from anywhere in the codebase:

import { Elysia } from 'elysia'
import { db } from './database/model'

const { user } = db.insert

new Elysia()
	.post('/sign-up', ({ body }) => {
		// Create a new user
	}, {
		body: t.Object({
			id: user.username,
			username: user.username,
			password: user.password


If type refinement is needed, you may use createInsertSchema and createSelectSchema to refine the schema directly.

import { t } from 'elysia'
import { createInsertSchema, createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-typebox'

import { table } from './schema'
import { spreads } from './utils'

export const db = {
	insert: spreads({
		user: createInsertSchema(table.user, {
			email: t.String({ format: 'email' })
	}, 'insert')),
	select: spreads({
		user: createSelectSchema(table.user, {
			email: t.String({ format: 'email' })
	}, 'select')
} as const

In the code above, we refine a schema to include a format property

The spread utility function will skip a refined schema, so you can use it as is.

For more information, please refer to the Drizzle ORM and Drizzle TypeBox documentation.