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Elysia Type ​

Elysia.t is based on TypeBox with pre-configuration for usage on the server while providing additional types commonly found on server-side validation.

You can find all of the source code of Elysia type in elysia/type-system.

The following are types provided by Elysia:

Numeric ​

Numeric accepts a numeric string or number and then transforms the value into a number.


This is useful when an incoming value is a numeric string for example path parameter or query string.

Numeric accepts the same attribute as Numeric Instance

File ​

A singular file. Often useful for file upload validation.


File extends attribute of base schema, with additional property as follows:

type ​

A format of the file like image, video, audio.

If an array is provided, will attempt to validate if any of the format is valid.

type?: MaybeArray<string>

minSize ​

Minimum size of the file.

Accept number in byte or suffix of file unit:

minSize?: number | `${number}${'k' | 'm'}`

maxSize ​

Maximum size of the file.

Accept number in byte or suffix of file unit:

maxSize?: number | `${number}${'k' | 'm'}`

File Unit Suffix: ​

The following are the specifications of the file unit: m: MegaByte (1048576 byte) k: KiloByte (1024 byte)

Files ​

Extends from File, but adds support for an array of files in a single field.


File extends attributes of base schema, array, and File.

Object-like representation of a Cookie Jar extended from Object type.

    name: t.String()

Cookie extends attributes of Object and Cookie with additional properties follows:

secrets ​

The secret key for signing cookies.

Accepts a string or an array of string

secrets?: string | string[]

If an array is provided, Key Rotation will be used, the newly signed value will use the first secret as the key.

Nullable ​

Allow the value to be null but not undefined.


MaybeEmpty ​

Allow the value to be null and undefined.


For additional information, you can find the full source code of the type system in elysia/type-system.